About Us

Visit SLO CAL is the non-profit countywide destination marketing and management (DMMO) organization for SLO CAL® (San Luis Obispo County, California). As a destination marketing and management organization, we are responsible for promoting our community as an attractive travel destination and enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live and work. Through the impact of travel, we strengthen the economic position and provide opportunities for people in their community.

Working with, and on behalf of, its investors, partners, stakeholders and the community to promote SLO CAL to both domestic and international visitors, VSC’s goal is to collaborate with partners to build the SLO CAL brand through a data-driven, efficient dynamic marketing and sales program while simultaneously enhancing the resident quality of life. Built on research with a strategy of continuous improvement, VSC aims to establish SLO CAL as a favorite West Coast destination known for its signature slower pace of life and unique mix of incredible, immersive guest experiences.

Our Vision 

A vibrant and sustainable SLO CAL, fueled by a collaborative and flourishing tourism industry.

Our Mission 

 Inspire travel and foster our unique experiences and champion the quality of life to create life-long ambassadors and economic growth for SLO CAL.

Our Core Values

Stewardship | We value our people and care for our community and resources

Authenticity | We strive to embody the SLO CAL lifestyle of "people, place and pace"

Inclusion | We engage and collaborate with an array of voices and perspectives

Excellence | We are ambitious in our work and prioritize initiatives to achieve results

Future Focus | We deliver today with an innovative eye on tomorrow 

Equity & Inclusion Statement 

Visit SLO CAL is committed to ensuring our work helps San Luis Obispo County (SLO CAL) become a more equitable and inclusive destination, so that all who travel into and through the destination feel welcomed and embraced by The California Less Traveled. 

Our work is built on our vision of maintaining and bettering our resident's quality of life and to enhance our visitors' experiences. That means being willing to learn and participating in difficult conversations around equity and inclusion, as well as leading the Travel & Tourism industry to be more aware and purposeful in the ways they represent and support all people.

We value all our investors, partners, stakeholders, team and visitors, and we desire to create an inclusive and equitable environment built on a foundation of trust, collaboration and action.

For more information, click HERE

Strategic Direction 2026

To view our new multi-year strategic plan, click here

Tourism Marketing District Information

On June 10, 2015, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved Visit SLO CAL's proposed Tourism Marketing District (TMD). The TMD establishes a unified district whose goal is to increase awareness of the county and drive demand. On January 14, 2020, the district was renewed for a ten-year term. The Management District Plan outlines the structure for the district.

Experience SLO CAL 2050

In 2018, Visit SLO CAL engaged Resonance Consultancy to create a comprehensive destination management strategy (Experience SLO CAL 2050) that aims to enhance the quality of life for residents and create a must-visit destination for visitors. From now until 2050, Visit SLO CAL will collaborate with lodging investors, partners, city and county stakeholders, and the local community to implement Experience SLO CAL 2050. To view the strategy, click HERE.

Destination Management Research Reports

Visit SLO CAL provides strategic research reports to support the city's tourism economy. To view the reports, click HERE.


 Visit SLO CAL is DMAP accredited by Destinations International, this seal serves as a visible industry distinction that defines quality and performance standards in destination marketing management.