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As the official destination marketing and management organization for SLO CAL, San Luis Obispo County, our mission is to inspire travel, foster our unique experiences and champion the quality of life to create life-long ambassadors and economic growth for SLO CAL. We do this by promoting tourism to leisure travelers, groups, meeting planners and media outlets through FREE referrals to our partners.
Our partners enjoy a wealth of benefits including:
Visit SLO CAL works with a variety of organizations globally and locally. Becoming a SLO CAL partner means that you are invested in the economic vitality of tourism invested in SLO CAL as well as growing visitation through shared marketing channels.
MARKETING PARTNERS are tourism-facing businesses that enhance the visitor experience (hotels, wineries, restaurants, boutiques, etc.)
EVENT PARTNERS are event promoters that attract visitors to SLO CAL (SLO International Film Festival, Spartan Race, World Surf League, etc.)
STRATEGIC PARTNERS contribute to the economic viability of tourism in SLO County though education, training, infrastructure, policy or other unique views that support tourism in San Luis Obispo County (Cal Poly, REACH, San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport, etc.)
Data based on FY22/23. *Source: Tourism Economics, 2022 calendar year.
Partnership with Visit SLO CAL is free to businesses in San Luis Obispo County! Our tourism-facing businesses receive the below benefits:
All partners receive:
1. Fill out the partnership form.
2. Upon activation, access SLO CAL Connection, our partner portal.
3. On SLO CAL Connection, review your account and contact information. Tourism-facing businesses can create a website listing, upload images, post events and more!
4. Subscribe to the weekly partner newsletter for opportunities available to you and the latest tourism industry news.